Holi-2024 Simple Hacks to Celebrate Pet-Friendly Holi

March 3, 2023

Bura na maano, holi hai”, this surely doesn’t go for our pets in Holi. It is one of the most vibrant festivals celebrated all around the world. However, one of the most dangerous festivals for dogs, cats, and all other animals. During these colorful festivals as much as we enjoy playing around, our pets can face challenges. 

Family and friends have the best times during Holi. But what about our pets? But as pets are also part of family then why exclude them during celebrations? Our pets can enjoy Holi too but in a careful environment, with no toxic colors or sweets.  

Today we are going to discuss simple hacks, and tricks for pet owners to ensure that their pets have the best time during the festivals of color. Many people indulge their pets with color, feeding them sweets on Holi but is it ok to use color on your pet? Do you play pet-friendly Holi? We are going to answer all such doubts, but let’s first clear out the basics: 

Holi is a Big ‘NO’ For Animals

As much as we enjoy playing with colours, these colours are not for dogs and cats. The hazardous compounds found in powdered pigments can cause skin reactions, rashes, and even blindness in dogs and cats. These colors include lead, which poses a considerable risk to them since it can accumulate and poison them. The most susceptible to this form of exposure are puppies, cats, and smaller animals.

It’s 2024, The world is surrounded by so many advancements, so why still practice the things that can harm other beings? We’re being educated easily now through social media, knowing the side effects, or understanding the depth of seriousness is important. Not just pet parents, but everyone should make sure that they are creating an environment susceptible for all beings.

Are Holi Colours Safe For My Pet?


Protecting our pets from the holiday craziness (which could cause anxiety), artificial colors, and sugary food should be one of pet parents’ main considerations. Since dogs are the most prevalent furry animals without sweat glands, their bodies wind up absorbing all the chemicals from colors, including those that are advertised as organic and non-toxic.  

Pets such as dogs, cats, and other animals that go out for a walk or simply are outside get hit by balloons either by kids or people. This often irritates or even frightens pets.

Why Holi Can Be Fatal to Your Furry Friends

Dogs and especially cats who are exposed to colors too frequently may develop skin allergies such as dermatitis, skin inflammation, hair loss, intense itching, nasal irritation, and respiratory discomfort. Dogs are also more likely to consume colors since they frequently lick themselves clean, endangering their digestive systems. Both diarrhea and intestinal erosion may result from it. 

Even cats, unnecessary sound, music, and disturbance can make them feel anxious, or angry. Whereas colors are simply harmful until the procedure or ingredients are completely eco-friendly.  

How to Make Holi Pet-Friendly

It’s great to include your pets in the celebrations during Holi because it’s a time for pleasure and celebration.  These are some pointers for enjoying Holi with your pets: 

Make it comfortable for your pets

Holi is an outdoor event, there can be loud music, toxic colors, rush, and a lot of chaos for animals. So, set up a cozy space for your pet inside your house. If there’s a community dog or any other animal, you can help them by setting up a cozy comfortable safe space for them. 

Safeguard your pet’s skin and eyes

Colors can have an impact on your pet’s skin just like they can on ours. Apply a thin coating of petroleum jelly to the fur surrounding their eyes, ears, and nose to protect their skin. This will also lessen the likelihood of any color irritating their eyes. 

Walk your dog before the festivities start

On the day of Holi, walk your dog first thing in the morning before the celebrations start. During the festivities, make sure your pets are kept indoors and secure, preferably with their favorite toy. Also, this will stop kids from waking them up or annoying them. Make that they have enough food and drink. 

Children and pets

Youngsters have a tendency to paint and hurl water balloons at anyone or anything nearby. Dog walkers should refrain from carrying their dogs to such locations and keep their canines away from young children. Also, scared dogs run the risk of hurting children or themselves. 

Educate kids not to color animals

Inform children about the importance of pet safety in your house and neighborhood, especially during holiday celebrations. Parents must instruct their children not to play Holi with animals because stray dogs are often the victims of poisonous colors during this holiday. Parents should also teach their children about pet-friendly Holi. No pet or stray animal should suffer harm during this lovely, joyful celebration.

Colored water or powder can hurt them

The majority of the colors we use for Holi are synthetic and include harmful elements that can cause allergic reactions on the skin and even blindness in both humans and animals. The dry powder contains lead, which acts as an accumulative toxin and is widely believed to be safe for usage on dogs. Inhaling it could irritate your nose and infect your lungs. Animals also have the propensity to lick their body, which allows them to swallow the dyes, which is frequently the main cause of poisoning. 

Use gentle shampoos to remove colors

Mild shampoos can be used to remove colors from your pet’s body if they have been applied. Never attempt to remove colored or hard paint from your dog’s coat using kerosene or spirit. Go to the doctor right away if the dog has been hit in the eye with a water balloon or if colors have gotten into the eyes or have been consumed. 

Be out for a warning

Excessive salivation, vomiting, loose movements, and behavioral changes like hostility or stupor are all signs of poisoning. Send your pet right away to the vet if you see any of these symptoms. It would be easier for the vet to administer the proper treatment if they carried the probable source of poisoning (color). 

Inform and educate your neighborhood

Sensitize your neighborhood by requesting the community secretary and building managers to post notices encouraging residents to keep dogs inside during festivities and to refrain from throwing water or paint at strays. 

No sweets for pets

To celebrate pet-friendly Holi be sure that no guests or young children give your pet any sweets because the majority of pets have allergies to sugar and sweets. Foods that are fried or heavy in calories also upset their digestive systems. 

Though we understand that it is hard to avoid those eyes! Dogs have the ability to persuade us and trick us to treat them. So, we suggest pet parents, prepare pet-friendly meals for your dog. You can enjoy Holi with your dog too, while you have your sweets and savory your pet can enjoy their treat.  

Look out for strays

Give strays your consideration and kindness. As strays may not have access to the same level of comprehensive human care and medical treatment as our pets, we may want to exercise extra caution while interacting with them. In between all the chaotic rush during Holi, stray dogs become either scared or irritated. Do not through colors at them and try to make them feel safe. 

Read Also: Things To Know About Stray Dogs In India

DIY Holi Treats for Dogs:

There are sweets and delicacies all around us during Holi, and our pets drool over food. However, as a responsible pet parent, it is crucial to understand that these treats are suitable for pets. Instead, you can try out the easy simple DIY treats at home for your pet. When you see you having gujiyas, you can treat them too and make sure that they are part of the celebrations too!  

Pet-Friendly Gujiyas (Peanut Butter Dog Treats):

Combine whole wheat flour, peanut butter (make sure it doesn’t contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs), and a bit of water to make a dough. Shape the dough into small treats and bake until golden brown. 

Frozen Yogurt Treats:

Mix plain yogurt with mashed banana or pureed fruit (such as strawberries or blueberries). Pour the mixture into ice cube trays or silicone molds and freeze until solid. These frozen treats can be a refreshing snack for your pet. 

Carrot Chips:

Slice carrots into thin chips and bake them in the oven until crispy. Carrots are a healthy and low-calorie snack for dogs, and baking them can enhance their flavor.  

Frozen Fruit Popsicle:

The atmosphere becomes warm during holi, so in the welcoming season you can prepare cold treats like apples, bananas, and carrots washed and then cleaned and kept in the fridge. You can treat your pet with this healthy treat.  

Read Also: Indian Homemade Recipes For Dogs With Healthy Diet

Prepare For a Pet-friendly Holi 

If you’re a new pet parent or you want to ensure a pet-friendly Holi for your pets or even strays – the best way is “know what to do and how”. From the comfort of your home, you can book an online appointment with a veterinarian and get a consultation. Consult with a vet will help you understand and clear out all your possible doubts and queries.  

Every pet has different needs and behavioral patterns; a vet can help you understand how to approach your pet during Holi. Loud music or too many people can make your pet anxious. It can be quite confusing for an animal (especially a young baby) to deal with Holi festivities.  

Consult a Vet  

Holi colors can impact your pet in many ways. The strong chemicals are toxic for animals, if your pet accidentally comes in contact with colors and there are notable symptoms hampering your pet’s health (behavioral changes/ sneezes/ itching etc.) You should immediately consult a vet; you can book Petofy’s “VET ON CALL” service for online consultation. Your pet might become fussy due to colors making it challenging to take them to the vet. With the help of an online consultation, you can get your pet checked at home.


Accidents or mishaps are common in pets during Holi or any other festival. We must understand that our celebrations should never be harmful to other beings. If you are a pet parent then ensure that your pet is safe and happy at your home. And if you’re not a pet parent, but a conscious human ensure the safety of animals around you.

Educate kids not to bully animals, by throwing balloons or colors. Be aware of nearby vet clinics, or NGOs that you can connect with if any mishap occurs. Rest, and celebrate a holi with love, care, and compassion. Furry companions bring the most vibrant colors of joy in our lives!

If you are still confused about how to take care of your pet during holi then feel free to contact us on any of our platforms.

Pet Friendly Holi
Happy Pet-Friendly Holi

Frequently Asked Questions:  

Q. Can I use regular Holi colors on my pets? 

No, you should not use regular Holi colors on your pets. Regular Holi colors may contain harmful chemicals that can cause skin irritation, allergies, or even poisoning in pets. Instead, use natural and pet-friendly colors made from vegetables, flowers, or herbs. 

Q. What should I do if my pet accidentally ingests Holi colors? 

If you suspect that your pet has ingested Holi colors, immediately call your veterinarian. Ingesting colors can cause gastrointestinal problems and even poisoning. 

Q: How can I keep my pet safe during Holi? 

There are several ways you can keep your pet safe during Holi, including keeping them indoors, avoiding the use of toxic colors or water on them, keeping them away from loud noises and large crowds, and ensuring they have proper identification in case they get lost. 

Q: What are the potential hazards for pets during Holi? 

Pets can be at risk during Holi due to the use of toxic colors, loud noises from firecrackers, and exposure to a lot of unfamiliar people. 

Q. What if someone applies color to my pet? 

If your pet has come in contact with Holi colors, wash or clean them off as quickly as you can. Also, keep an eye out for any behavioral changes, excessive drooling, or other symptoms of poisoning. Take them right away to the vet. 

Consult with Vet



Mahima, a pet lover and devoted parent to her indie pom, Romy, merges her creative writing background with her passion for animals. Through her pet blog, she offers insights, tips, and personal experiences on responsible pet ownership, care, and training. She aims to foster a community of informed pet enthusiasts. Besides her work and pampering her pet, she enjoys delving into mythology and visiting spiritual sites.

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