Things To Be Considered Before Adopting A Puppy

Puppy Adoption is exciting when you decide to have a dog in your life, it can be the best decision you ever make. But buying a puppy can also be a little daunting at first. It is the first step in a lifelong commitment that comes with hard work and responsibilities.  

So, Here Are Some Simple Steps To Happy Pet Pre-Parenting:

Often I come across this question “What to see in a pet before I buy it? How to assess the health of a pet before I bring it home?” Pet breeding is actually a huge market where pre-pet parents often find themselves puzzled, confused as well as indecisive. So this advice comes from a vet,….THE DOS AND DONTS, before buying a pet. 

First and foremost, if you are ready to keep your pet as your family…please go for it.  If you are prepared to nurture it the way you would nurture your own child, go for it!!  I firmly believe pet homes are much happy homes, so dear readers …go forward and make your home a happier one.

13 Best Dog Breeds For First Time Owners

1. Always Adopt The Suitable Puppy Breed

Puppy Adoption Guide - Always Adopt The Suitable Puppy Breed

Select the breed as per your preferences. You may google the perfect traits to fit your perfect home! 

2. Check Vaccination Status Before Puppy Adoption

Puppy Adoption Guide - Check Vaccination Status Before Puppy Adoption

Always have a look at the vaccination status and health details of the biological mother of the pup. 

3. Check The Puppy Properly

Puppy Adoption Guide - Check The Puppy Properly

When you bring home a baby, it should be free from any kind of ectoparasites or ticks. You may have a video call with the kennel owner to ensure the status of kennel hygiene before you proceed to buy it. These ectoparasites bring with them a number of diseases, so even if your “would-be pet” has the slightest probability of such cases, you will always have a second choice! 

4. Check The Puppy Eyes

Puppy Adoption Guide - Check The Puppy Eyes

Puppies are born with closed eyes, and until their eyes open, they are blind to their surroundings. One should observe for any swelling or bulging of 5. eyes or any kind of eye discharge for it may be an indication of some infection. Check the little one for any kind of excessive lacrimation or eye discharge, condition of ears as well as the bottom, and wetness/dryness of muzzle or nose. The nose/mizzle should be sufficiently wet and not dry.

5. Make Sure The Puppy is 40 Days Old

Puppy Adoption Guide - Make Sure The Puppy is 40 Days Old

It’s always better to go in for a pup that is at least 40 days old. Ideally, its weaning process starts from 4 weeks and lasts 6-8 weeks. Weaned pups adapt better to the changed feed and social environment. Moreover, such babies have fewer chances of nutritional deficiencies or improper/slow growth. Bring home a kitten only once it’s 10 weeks old. Early home welcoming of a kitten may lead to behavioral issues. 

Get Your Puppy Insured With Multiple Benefits

6. Check Puppy Teeth

Puppy Adoption Guide - Check Puppy Teeth

The young champ will still be with his mother and breeder when his baby teeth start coming in. Puppies have 28 temporary teeth, that start coming in at about four weeks of age. They generally fall out between 14 and 30 weeks. So when you receive your little one, it might be having those small teeth eruptions. 

7. Keep An Eye On Disease Symptoms

Puppy Adoption Guide - Keep An Eye On Disease Symptoms

Before Adoption Puppy check the Symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, heavy panting, or difficulty breathing because it can all be a sign of illness. Keep an eye out for bad breath, increased drooling, and dry, cloudy, or red eyes. If this is the case don’t go in for that pet.   

8. Make Sure Puppy is Healthy

Puppy Adoption Guide - Make Sure Puppy is Healthy

The most pleasing point pet should be healthy, active, bright-eyed, alert, healthy, and playful. Walking the pet or playing around will let you know the limb status and health of the “would-be“ pet. 

9. Take The Help of a Vet

Puppy Adoption Guide - Take The Help of a Vet

Always have the assistance of a local vet and take it for a preliminary check-up once it’s home. Faulty bite- To check the anatomy of jaws. The upper incisors overlap the lower incisors when the mouth is closed. The lower incisor crown tips rest on the inside, opposing the upper incisor teeth. A look at the jaw will rule out any kind of anomaly.

40 Cute Dog Breeds in India 2022

-Dr. Meenal Bhardwaj
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