Prevention and Control of Tick and Flea Infestation in Pets

Tick and flea are the most common ectoparasites that affect pets. They are blood-sucking parasites and because they can pose significant health risks to our loving pets, it is important to take some preventive measures all year, especially for people living in humid climatic conditions.

Ticks and Fleas
Ticks and Fleas

When Ticks and Fleas are Most Active

During summers and monsoons, they are more active, and their population is at its peak in late summers, when the temperature is milder and humidity increases. It provides favorable conditions for their survival and their reproduction rate increases.


Ticks are small eight-legged arachnids varies in size; their size increases as they suck blood.


Fleas are tiny, wingless insects, very fast-moving, and can also jump high. They are brown-colored and appear as dark specks of dirt on the pet’s skin.

How Do Pets Get Fleas And Ticks?

Ticks Feeding Blood in A Dog
Ticks Feeding Blood in A Dog


Pets get fleas from the infested environment like kennels, grooming centers, gardens, and yards, from other animals – stray dogs and stray cats and flea-infested pets. Female fleas deposit eggs in the hair coat of animals, in their surroundings and then they develop into new fleas and infest other pets.


Ticks infest pets when they are out in the open. Gardens, yards, and bushes are the breeding sites for ticks where they undergo questing and when animals walk through the grasses or shrubs, ticks dislodge and get attached to them.
Note:- People’s clothing and visiting pets can also be a source of ticks and fleas.

Signs And Symptoms

The most common sign of flea infestation is skin irritation, at the time of feeding flea injects saliva into the skin and the salivary proteins are allergenic to pets which leads to nibbling, scratching, and even biting the skin, particularly on the back and around the base of the tail. The condition is known as Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). Excessive scratching may lead to hair loss and leave skin red, inflamed, and prone to other skin infections.

Animation in which shown a Tick Feeding Blood in Pet Animal
Animation: Tick Feeding Blood

In cats overgrooming can be seen along with small round bumps in the skin called Feline Miliary Dermatitis, it looks like tiny millet seeds.

Tick causes bruises and wheals at the site of the bite. Toxins secreted by these ticks can cause Tick paralysis in pets.

In case of severe flea and tick infestation pet becomes anemic, especially puppies and kittens due to loss of blood. Ticks transmit several diseases to pets, particularly in dogs popularly known as Tick fever including Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Lyme disease, etc.

A dog suffering from tick fever will show a wide range of symptoms like fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, fatigue, joint pain, and sometimes diarrhea.

Treatment And Control

2 image in one that show the vet Treating Dog And Cat to Control ticks and fleas

Ticks and fleas are persistent in the environment once they get on your pet, they remain there until they are killed by insecticide or die themselves. The first step towards treating and controlling the infestation is to look for ticks and fleas on your pet.

Checking And Removal

Regular checking must be done. Run your fingers throughout the body and look for ticks, particularly on the head, and behind the ears. Pubic areas, areas along the neck and tail, in between toes and nasal passages, are some favored sites for feeding ticks. If you feel any bump, pull the hair apart and remove the whole tick carefully by using tweezers without twisting and jerking and flushing them.


Fleas are just 1-2 mm long and fast moving so it’s not always easy to spot them. Look for dark pepper-like flea dirt on the pet’s skin, especially on the back. Examination of the pet’s bedding for eggs, larvae, and excreta is also helpful.

Treatment Of Ticks And Fleas

1. Anti-Tick and Flea Products

Today various anti-tick and flea products are available in the market, comprising-: Oral tablets, injectables, sprays, dips, spot-on solutions, and powders for puppies and cats.

2. Anti-tick and Flea Shampoo

Shampoos against ticks and fleas are also effective and safe to use regularly.

3. Topical Liquid Solutions

Topical liquid solutions have an instant effect but should be diluted and used cautiously as per the veterinarian’s instructions. Overdosing in these liquids can be toxic to pets.

Tick Powder For Dogs Uses, Side Effect, Price, And Alternates

4. Anti-Tick and Flea Collars

Anti-tick and flea collars are useful for a longer duration and provide protection for around 6 months.

5. Fine-Toothed Flea Combs

Fine-toothed flea combs can be used regularly to catch and remove fleas.

Recommendation To Use These Products

Care should be taken while using these products on cats because some chemicals(pyrethroids) are toxic to cats. Use those products which are safe and recommended for cats and consult with your vet.

Environmental Control

Eliminating ticks and fleas from pets alone cannot solve the problem completely. A successful control program must include treatment of the pet’s environment as well.

1. Clean House

Thorough cleaning of the house and yard along with vacuuming the carpets, and areas beneath furniture are required. The places where the pet spends most of its time have a large number of ticks, fleas, and eggs deposited there.

2. Wash Pet Clothes

Wash pet’s bedding, and blankets, and all this should be followed by appropriate insecticide treatment. Treatment of large areas is not recommended. It’s not good for the environment and the cost is also high. Let it dry for some time before allowing pets and children there.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

This is absolutely true in this case, these stubborn ectoparasites not only make living unpleasant and uncomfortable for pets but also transmit fatal tick-borne illnesses. Below are some preventive measures every pet parent should follow this season to keep these freeloaders at bay.

1. Keep Your Pet Away

Keeping your pets away from tick-prone areas is the best way to prevent your pets from infestation.

2. Keep Your Home Dry

Try to keep your home as dry as possible.

3. Examine Your Pet

Examine your pet and its environment regularly and remove the tick immediately to prevent the transmission of pathogens.

4. Take Required Prevention

Take required preventive measures before the tick and flea peak season starts.

5. Spot-On Products

Some spot-on products are available with vets. They are safe and easy to use and are applied once a month. Just pour the entire content of the tube on the skin spot at the nape of the neck. In larger dogs use several spots along the back. Do not bathe your pet at least for 15 days after applying this.

6. Brush Your Pet

Brush your pet regularly at least once a day, it will help in removing ticks and fleas and improve the pet’s skin health.

Final Words

Pay close attention to the behavior of your pet and look out for the signs and symptoms. If you are not able to control the infestation even after using the required products, consult the vet.

-Dr. Swati Rawat
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