10 Human Foods That Are Toxic For Dogs

April 19, 2021

These are list of the 10 Human foods that are toxic for dogs:

1. Chocolate

Chocolate is toxic for dogs

Chocolate is one of the favorite foods for humans, but it is certainly not good for dogs. It contains theobromine which is like caffeine and is poisonous to dogs. It badly affects the central nervous system, heart, kidneys, and guts. The harmful effects of theobromine such as food poisoning start occurring within four to 24 hours after the dog has consumed the chocolate. You may notice vomiting, restlessness, diarrhea, hyperactivity, etc. in dogs.

2. Caffine

CAFFEINE is toxic for dogs

Much like chocolate, caffeine is also harmful to dogs. Dogs are even more sensitive to caffeine than humans. A significant amount of coffee or tea can do harm to the dog. If they have consumed a handful of coffee beans or tea leaves then could be in unimaginative danger.

Read Also: 7 Vet-Approved Homemade Dog Food Recipes

3. Onion, Garlic, Chives

ONION(Maroon color), GARLIC(White color), AND CHIVES(Green color). These are toxic for dogs.

Consuming these vegetables can lead to stomach and gut irritation and lead to anemia and red blood cell damage.

Onions can be very toxic, and the signs of poisoning occur only after some days when your dog has consumed any of these vegetables. Onions in all their form can cause problems be it cooked onions, raw onions, dehydrated onions, or any table scraps carrying cooked onions or garlic.

You should definitely avoid giving them leftovers from any of the Chinese dishes, commercial baby food, or left-over pizza containing onion as they might cause illness. Plenty of takeaway food contains onions or garlic powder in their gravies and sauces.

4. Alcohol

Wine in a glass with ice cube. Don't feed this to your pet dog

Alcohol is relatively more toxic to dogs than it is to humans. When consumed even in little quantities it may cause diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, central nervous system depression, difficulty in breathing, coma, and even death. So, always remember to keep alcohol away from your dog’s reach.

5. Moldy Foods

A mouldy Bread is shown in the image that is toxic food for Dogs

Moldy food such as bread, nuts, and dairy products, contain a lot of toxins that can make your dog feel very ill. Make sure you dispose of leftovers carefully and be careful to keep your food waste bin well out of your dog’s reach.

6. Grapes & Raisins

Don't feed GRAPES AND RAISINS to Your Dog

Though the toxic substance in grapes and raisins is still unknown, it can lead to kidney failure in sensitive individuals. Dogs that already have some or other health problems are at the greatest risk and just one raisin can be severely toxic. Experts agree that there is no safe dose of grapes and raisins.

7. Yeast Dough

YEAST DOUGH in Blue Bowl

Yeast dough can cause gas to accumulate in the dog’s digestive system. A result of the dough rising. Not only can this be painful, but it may also cause the stomach or intestines to get blocked. So, while the small bits of bread can be given as a treat, due to those risks are less once the yeast has fully risen. You should never give your dog yeast dough.

8. Bones


While feeding your dog, bones might seem like a good idea, it’s important to remember that dogs may choke on them, develop an intestinal problem after swallowing a piece of bone, damage their teeth while chewing them, or sustain an internal injury as bone can puncture your dog’s digestive tract.

If you choose to give your dog a bone, be sure to keep an eye on him while he tucks in and avoid giving them cooked bones or bones that are small enough to get stuck in their intestines. Eating large quantities of bone can often cause constipation, so always try to monitor the amount your dog manages to consume.

9. Milk

Don't feed Milk to Your Dog

As dogs do not have significant amounts of the enzyme lactase that breaks down the lactose in milk, feeding your dog milk and other milk-based products can cause diarrhea and other digestive issues.

10. Blue Cheese

Blue cheese is a toxic food for dogs.

Like other dairy products, dogs find it difficult to break down cheese, while eating large amounts of higher-fat varieties can cause sickness and diarrhea. Though blue cheese, such as stilton and Roquefort, is quite dangerous. Many contain a substance called roquefortine C, which dogs are especially sensitive to.

Roquefortine C may cause vomiting and diarrhea and potentially also tremors, twitching, seizures, and a high temperature if consumed in large doses. If you think your dog has consumed blue cheese and is suffering from any of these signs, then you should seek emergency veterinary advice.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why is chocolate toxic for dogs?

Chocolate contains theobromine, which is harmful to a dog’s central nervous system, heart, kidneys, and digestive system.

How does caffeine affect dogs?

Caffeine is highly toxic to dogs and can cause symptoms like restlessness, rapid breathing, and even severe health issues if consumed in large quantities.

Why should onions, garlic, and chives be avoided for dogs?

These vegetables can irritate the stomach, damage red blood cells, and lead to anemia in dogs.

How does alcohol affect dogs?

Even small amounts of alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, and, in severe cases, coma or death in dogs.

Why are grapes and raisins dangerous for dogs?

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs, even in small amounts, and there is no known safe dose.

What risks are associated with feeding dogs yeast dough?

Yeast dough can expand in a dog’s stomach, causing pain, gas, or even life-threatening blockages in the digestive system.

Why should bones be given cautiously to dogs?

Bones can cause choking, damage teeth, block intestines, or puncture the digestive tract. Cooked bones should be avoided entirely.

Why is milk harmful to dogs?

Dogs lack sufficient lactase to digest lactose in milk, which can lead to diarrhea and digestive discomfort.

What makes blue cheese unsafe for dogs?

Blue cheese contains roquefortine C, a substance that can cause vomiting, tremors, seizures, and other severe symptoms in dogs.

What are some human foods that dogs generally love?

Dogs often enjoy lean meats like chicken, turkey, and beef, as well as fruits like apples (without seeds) and vegetables like carrots. However, these should be given in moderation and checked for safety.

Is coffee toxic to dogs?

Yes, coffee is toxic to dogs due to its caffeine content, which can cause restlessness, rapid breathing, heart problems, and even seizures in severe cases.

How much moldy bread is dangerous for dogs?

Even a small amount of moldy bread can be harmful to dogs because it may contain mycotoxins, which can cause tremors, seizures, and vomiting. Immediate veterinary care is essential if ingested.

What happens if a dog eats moldy bread?

If a dog eats moldy bread, it may experience symptoms like drooling, vomiting, tremors, and seizures. Mold toxins can affect the nervous system and may require emergency treatment.

-Naveen Rawat
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