I would like to share some important points with you regarding proper housing and care for your confined pets. In this blog, I have mentioned confined pets like Rabbits, Rats, Guinea Pigs, and Caged Birds. You would also love some fun facts and good-to-know information as well.
Rabbits – are very friendly and companionable pets and in fact, do not like to be kept on their own. Although they are quite tough and strong, they need shelter from extreme weather conditions. An outdoor rabbit should ideally be raised off the ground. The area should be long and tall enough for it to move freely. An area of at least three hops long and tall enough for the rabbit to stand on its hind legs should be sufficient. If it has space to run about then it is really great but special care should be taken to ensure that the rabbit cannot burrow its way to freedom.
Fun Facts:
1 – Some species of rabbits are raised for their long, soft fur, which is often spun into yarn.
2 – Rabbits are often used as a symbol of fertility or rebirth. They have long been associated with spring and Easter as the Easter Bunny.
Rats – need as large a cage as possible with lots of space for ‘furniture’ to play with to prevent boredom. Please feel free to use your imagination to create a cage environment that is more like a wild rodent’s burrow, with tunnels and hiding places. Make sure you are able to clean every part of it at regular intervals to maintain hygiene. A nest box and appropriate bedding would be a great addition to the cage.
Fun Facts:
1 – Pet rats do not pose any more health risks than pets such as cats or dogs.
2 – Tamed rats are generally friendly and can be trained to perform specific actions.
Guinea Pigs
Guinea Pigs – are very sociable and should not be kept on their own. Also, they should not be kept outside as they cannot tolerate wet weather. Most guinea pigs can be kept in big wooden confinements with two compartments. Like rabbits, guinea pigs need plenty of space to exercise and they like to graze in the summer.
Fun Facts:
1 – Guinea pigs learn to recognize and bond with other individual guinea pigs.
2 – They can learn complex paths to food, and can accurately remember a learned path for months.
3 – Guinea pig sight is not as good as that of a human, but they have a wider angle of vision and see in partial color.
Cage Birds
Cage Birds – need much bigger cages than most people provide for them. Coops are a much better option if you have the space and if you can clean them out regularly. Whether cage or coop, please make sure you provide perches of different diameters as well as different heights for the birds. Please remember that most birds are highly nervous of predators, which is why in the wild they like to perch safely out of reach. It is best that the cage is placed quite high in the room, at or above your own eye level, but away from direct sunlight but the room is well-ventilated.
Fun Facts:
1 – If you have a parrot, it still needs a cage even if it has the freedom of a room – a cage is a place it can call its own and where it can feel safe.
2 – Parrots like to be where the action is, so keep them in a room where there is plenty of activity.
Final Words
I hope you enjoyed this. If you don’t have any confined pets then I highly recommend you own one. They are extremely loving and joyful buddies. You can share this blog with your friends who have one.