Dog Vaccinations – Everything You Must Know About

December 8, 2021

Everyone loves their dogs and wants them to be merry, cheerful, zealous, and enthusiastic. We take care of them for their Growth and Development too. Our foremost responsibility is their good health. The last thing we wish them to fall ill. Dog Vaccinations help in protecting them from many hazardous and fatal diseases.

The series of injections start in the infant stage and extend through adulthood. The law states that all dogs should be vaccinated and attain certification. The type and number of vaccines depend on the lifestyle and age of the dog. Keeping a proper record of vaccinations is the safest for everyone as some animal diseases are transferrable to humans.

Dog Vaccinations

Dog vaccinations are a safety measure for your dog that provides strong immunity against diseases that affect animals and humans. Effective vaccines contain the agent of microorganism that causes the disease. It speeds up the immune system that can attack the foreign agent and remember it for the future.

Your dog must be calm and relaxed during the procedure. The minimum time required to build immunity is around seven days. Therefore, if your dog is already suffering from any health issue, vaccines will not be effective. Vaccines do not work as a cure but rather as prevention.

Importance of Dog Vaccinations

For a healthy lifestyle, proper Growth and Development, you should schedule at least one yearly veterinary appointment for your dog. A general check-up is mandatory and factors like age, medical history, lifestyle, and habits of your dog will decide the suitable vaccination program. In addition, some dogs need Annual Vaccinations, while some may need them once every three years.

Types of Dog vaccines

Dog vaccines are of two types, firstly Core Vaccines are necessary for every dog, irrespective of age, environment, habits, breed, or situation. It prevents them from contracting diseases that have a global distribution and the need for non-core vaccines depends on the environment in which the animal lives, like geographic location, environment, and lifestyle.
Every dog owner would appreciate a healthy and active dog. In some cases, core vaccines are helpful, while non-core vaccines also work in others. However, consultation is necessary before making any decisions.

When to Start Dog Vaccinations?

The first round of vaccinations is given at around 6 To 8 Weeks and then every 3 Weeks until approximately 4 Months. The final dose cannot be before the dog turns 16 Weeks Old. That may make the antibodies present in the breast milk interfere with the vaccinations.

To check the need for vaccination, you can conduct a Titer Test. It is an affordable test that will measure the number of antibodies present in the dog, revealing the need for an immunity booster. The professional veterinary doctor can guide you better in this.

Frequency of Vaccines

A puppy will usually be vaccinated three times in 6 Months, and after that, it could be yearly or even once Every 3 Years. It depends on the condition of your dog and whether they can be treated with core vaccines every three years or even longer. Each animal is a unique being.

It is safer to take your dog to a Vet and have a vaccination protocol prescribed catering to its specific requirements. Good communication and annual visits are crucial elements for a healthy dog.

Infographic for puppy vaccination schedule timing

Puppy Vaccinations Schedule:

  • DHPP, Bordetella Vaccine in 6 to 7 Weeks.
  • Bordetella, DHPP, Leptospirosis in 9 to 10 Weeks.
  • Leptospirosis, DHPP, Canine Influenza, Lyme Disease in 12 to 13 Weeks.
  • Rabies, DHPP, Canine Influenza, Lyme Disease in 15 to 17 Weeks.

One should maintain a vaccine schedule that successfully combats many preventable health issues. Following a puppy vaccine schedule is a responsible step for puppy care. Your puppy deserves to be healthy and happy. Keeping them away from the risk of attaining one of the terrible diseases is your foremost priority.

Dog Vaccinations Schedule:

Once your puppy is grown, begin implementing an Adult Dog Vaccination schedule with the advice of Your Vet. It contains periodic boosters. In the first one-year visit, doctors recommend boosters for DHPP, Leptospirosis, Rabies vaccines, Canine Influenza, and Lyme for your pet. Effective Period for Each Vaccination:

  • DHPP3 Years
  • Rabies3 Years
  • Leptospirosis1 Year
  • Canine Influenza1 Year
  • Lyme Disease1 Year
  • Bordetella1 Year

Due to vaccines, there is stimulation in the immune system that may also cause some ill effects. The most common of these occur within the first few hours following vaccination and include allergic reactions, the sensitivity of the vaccinated area, and fever. These symptoms last only for a day or two. There is a probability that the pet may suffer from an immune disease or tumors at the injection site.

If you see your pet experiencing any of the following symptoms for more than two days, take them to their doctor immediately:

  • Weakness,
  • Breathing Difficulties,
  • Vomiting,
  • Loss of Appetite,
  • Diarrhoea.

Some Not-So-Common Side Effects Are:

  • Haemolytic Anaemia
  • Reproductive System Issues
  • Temporary Limping

These side effects are considered less risky in comparison to potentially exposing your dog to some diseases if they remain unvaccinated. Vaccines are an essential aspect and have played a key role in preventing transmitting diseases and fostering early detection and treatment of medical issues.

Prevention And Price of Dog Shots:

Following is the list of diseases that are preventable through vaccines:

Canine Distemper

It attacks the nervous system and may cause paralysis. Dogs at an early age are more vulnerable. It is not as common now as it was before because of the proper availability of vaccines. However, ensure that your dog gets all its vaccines as in the low-rate areas, outbreaks can still occur.

Infographic for the list of disease that are preventable through vaccines

Canine adenovirus (hepatitis)

Affects the liver, eyes, and kidneys. It is a non-communicable disease but quite dangerous for dogs.

Canine parvovirus

Canine Parvovirus is one of the most deadly and common viruses in the world. The eradication is quite impossible as each species has a different version. Maternal antibodies can interfere with the vaccine if you do not know the correct age of your dog. Therefore, you should determine the exact and appropriate age before vaccination.

Parainfluenza virus

This mild respiratory infection is highly contagious by nasal secretion. Since it is not fatal but you can cure your dog through vaccination from this and other related issues.

Bordetella bronchiseptica (kennel cough)

A disease caused by a virus that results in a harsh cough that is highly contagious too. A very young or aged dog is more at risk of infection. The vaccination for kennel cough should be in annual shots.

Canine leptospirosis

This bacterium collides with the organs functioning. It is for puppies who live in appropriate geographic locations and are likely to catch the infection.

  • Cost of Canine Leptospirosis: 300 INR Per Shot


Canine Coronavirus (CCV) causes intestinal disease in dogs. It is highly contagious and produces mild gastroenteritis. Puppies are most at risk of developing serious complications with this virus. It is spread through the feces of infected dogs. Clinical signs include diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.


It has no specific cure. Moreover, the infected animal is the prime carrier. It is a hazardous and highly contagious disease and can also be fatal to dogs and parents. The dog vaccination is in 5 to 7 shots, each costing around 400 INR. That makes up to around 2000 INR for the complete process.

  • Cost of Rabies Vaccine: 400 INR Pet Shot

Lyme disease

The vaccination for Lyme disease is effective from six months to one year. Dogs receive two doses.

  • Cost: 2000 INR Per Dose


The DHPP vaccine is a vital shot for dogs that protects them from four serious diseases: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus. It’s often called the “Core Vaccine” because it’s essential for every dog’s health. For puppies start at 6–8 weeks old, with booster shots every 3–4 weeks until 16 weeks. For adult dogs booster shots every 1–3 years as recommended by your vet.

  • Cost: Approximately 700 INR Per Shot

Special 9-in-1 Vaccine:

9 in 1 is an economical annual booster. It offers 9-way protection, including four lepto strains of the bacteria Leptospira. It is an easy and affordable vaccine to fight against various diseases in a single shot. The vaccine covers almost all the canine problems. This includes:

  • Canine distemper
  • Infectious hepatitis
  • Adenovirus type 2
  • L. icterohaemorrhagiae
  • Parvovirus (CPV)
  • Leptospira canicola
  • L. grippotyphosa
  • Parainfluenza
  • L. Pomona

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if The Dog Misses a Vaccine?

Vaccine depends on the time when your dog received the first vaccine. For effective results, maternal antibodies should not be present in their animal. A booster is not required if your dog is over a year old. In case, it skipped any of the vaccines, two booster shots are for security.

If Dogs Have Previously Had a Severe Allergic Reaction to a Vaccine?

Here, calculate the risks with your veterinarian that depend on the environment in which your dog is developing. Take steps to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction with the advice of your Vet, manage disease risk, and choose wisely to limit vaccinations.

Can I Vaccinate a Pregnant or Lactating Dog?

Despite several tests, avoid administering any medication to lactating dogs. There are alternatives available that you can give to your dog on the advice.

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