Why Taking Care Of Your Pet’s Matted Hair Is Important?
It is important to take care of your pet’s hair. I say this from personal experience as it had happened with my Saint Bernard – Florence and Persian Cat – Winnie. As you know, both these breeds have long hair and if good care is not taken, then their hair tends to get messed up easily. Matting and Hair Loss are the most common problems with long haired pets.

What To Do When Ticks And Fleas Are Worrying Your Pets?
Hello everyone, trust all is well with you and your lovely pets. Hope you are all keeping safe in the current situation. With the onset of the monsoon, there is another common problem that arises. When it “rains cats and dogs” outside, it is a pain for our cats and dogs because ticks and fleas…

Tips To Protect Your Pet’s Gut Wellness From Monsoon Disease
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of monsoon? Rain, yes, with Garam Chai and munchies right? But do our furry buddies also like rain? Yes, they do, but their stomach does not. If you do not take proper care of your dog, then the monsoon can bring many diseases…