Month: June 2019

Top 25 Cutest Lap Dogs That Can Be Fit Into Your Arms – Petofy
Top 25 Cutest Lap Dogs That Can Be Fit Into Your Arms – Petofy

Lots of snuggles and hugs, that pretty much sums up what lap dogs are all about. Dogs have irresistible charm and though we like to enjoy their company all the time (as if they’d also prefer the other way) there is a specific distinction given to dog breeds that are known as ‘lap dogs’ and…

Top 25 Dogs That You Can Bring Home For Safety Purpose
Top 25 Dogs That You Can Bring Home For Safety Purpose

A companion and a knight, dogs have proven to be a failsafe security armor for many years. From being the ultimate watchdogs to personal guards at home, dogs are attentive, loyal & affectionate. If suspicious intruders are a threat then dogs bark and alert as well as attack the intruder to scare and restrain them…

How To Care For A Pregnant Bitch At Home
How To Care For A Pregnant Bitch At Home

sign of pregnancy, feed, exercise, medication, vaccination, worming and preparation for the birth of the puppy